Accessing Your CEA/CSD Professional Development Funds

One of the highlights of our 2013-2016 contract?  Professional development funds for all members!  Here’s some information:

  • How do I access these funds?  Your proposed activities need to be related to a professional goal.  You complete a short form and submit it to your building site council.  Here’s a link to download the form!  CEA CSD professional development funds request
  • How much money is there?  Each member is allotted $272 per year.  (The amount is 0.8% of the base on the salary schedule.)  Please note: we bargained that this money was per member, not per FTE, so part time members still have access to the full $272.
  • What may this money be used for?  Here are just a few examples: Conference, workshop, or certification fees; sub costs to observe another teacher or visit another school or industry;  transportation costs for these activities;  payment to the member at curriculum rate for time involved in these activities outside the contract day. (Curriculum rate is $35 in our new contract—previously was $27.50.)  This is a new program, so you may have other ideas—try them out!
  • What if I don’t use the money this year?  You have several options:  you may “bank” the money for up to three years for one large project or activity in a single year.  You also may designate the money for use by another member.


What is WEA-PAC?

WEA-PAC is the political arm of WEA. WEA-PAC supports candidates, from local school boards to statewide positions, who support public education. Committees composed of WEA-PAC members interview political candidates to determine their positions only on issues that affect public education, WEA members, and our students. Then WEA-PAC supports quality candidates who are willing to stand up for public education. WEA-PAC membership is completely voluntary and collected separately from dues. Contributing to WEA-PAC is how our members have a collective voice in electing candidates–including school boards, judgeships, the State Legislature, the Governor, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction—who will be advocates for public education, regardless of their party affiliation.

Ready to join? Download and and print the WEA-PAC Payroll Authorization form to join WEA-PAC. Return it to a Chimacum Education Association officer or building rep.

Top Ten Reasons to join WEA-PAC:

  1. Local dues are not spent on political issues that affect our working conditions.
  2. The reality is that the quality of education for our students and thequality of our profession are interwoven with politics. Funding dictates the quality of education in our schools. Elected officials control that funding.
  3. You can be involved monthly for less than the cost of a small latte.
  4. We worked hard to get pro-education people elected. Now we need to hold them accountable.
  5. We do not want to be another Wisconsin or Ohio!
  6. A percentage of PAC money goes toward local elections, including local school board elections.
  7. PAC endorses pro-education candidates, both Democrats and Republicans.
  8. Anti-union, anti-collective bargaining, ed reform groups have big business and big money behind them.
  9. Automatic payroll deduction makes the $2.25 a month relatively painless
  10. All the cool kids are doing it!

So how do you join WEA-PAC?

Thanks to the Tacoma EA for the Top Ten list.